New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra ♎ 21°07"
15th October, 2023.
4.55 am AEST
3.55 am QLD
The Solar Eclipse will occurs on the 14th/15th October depending on where you are in the world.
Eclipses are like Super New Moons, they amplify the energy of completion and new Beginnings. Having good intentions at these powerful times is important, as the theme lasts for 19 years. The last Solar Eclipse close to this degree was on the 14th Oct 2004 at 21°08". So a new cycle ends and a new cycle begins. The eclipse cycles can have a strong effect for 6 months. The last Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 19th/20th April this year. See my article;
The energy of this eclipse is in Libra and has themes about relationships, co-operation, balance, justice, law, equilibrium. What has occurred over the past 19 years in your relationships? Can you see themes that have completed and finished now and new beginnings starting to occur?
Libra is the sign in which the soul and personality achieve a balance of co-operation on the inside. On the outside this will be reflected in the relationship axis of Aries - Libra. The moons North Nodes is in Aries and the South Node is in Libra from July 2023 – Jan 2025.
Aries is about “me” and Libra is about “we”. The south node is the past where we have come from and the north node is where we are heading towards both collectively and personally in our charts.
This Solar Eclipse in highlighting the south node in Libra. This indicates a quest to become assertive and self-empowered. Libra can be indecisive, always considering the needs of others. It is time for the Libra south node to take a lesson from the Aries North Node in healthy assertion, finding a sense of identity and initiating projects. Libra can have a tendency to compromise its own wishes and dreams to keep others happy and thus can be very frustrating on the inside of the Libra energy.
Now this can be collective or it can be personal. Knowing where the Libra is in your chart, could assist in knowing where you may have compromised in a relationship be it work, siblings, relationships, clients, socially, family. A good astrologer can show you where Libra sits in your chart.
The North node is your future, your quest in this life time. At the current time Aries North Node, brings forth drive, passion, masculine energy. This Aries energy was initiated with the Super Full moon in Aries on the 29th September and also the last Solar Eclipse in Aries in April and we now have the Planets Chiron and Eris here in Aries team adding extra voices to this Solar Eclipse.
Libra season is a time of choices, choices made consciously and deliberately after the facts. Libra can be indecisive if opposed and at this time with the Sun and Moon in Libra are also opposite both Eris and Chiron in Aries. Chiron can bring in a healing/teaching effect and Eris a fast evolutionary change at this time.
The Planet Pluto in Capricorn at this time is Squaring the Solar Eclipse and Squaring the Aries-Libra axis for the next 2.5 months. Squares bring in a challenge, tension, crisis and this adds another transformational effect to this Solar Eclipse and also the Aries- Libra axis. Pluto is a bigger picture planet in regards to generations and has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto transforms the sign it is in and there is no going back. Pluto in Capricorn from 2008 -2024 is the generation of a change in world government. This generation will possess the ability to transform old structures into new and enduring ones. Pluto rules power, so we can see how power is used in positions of authority in world governments, old structures that have held positions of power for a long time. Pluto squaring the nodal axis at this time is creating a tension and is witnessed in world government relationships. The global tension is very obvious. A fight for Power evident here and this could prompt new beginning in global relationships. USA is currently going through its own Pluto return and due for another election next year. We can only hope and pray for more harmony and balance in these government and global relations.
Harmonious and diplomatic (Libra) communications (Mercury) would be helpful at this time as Mars has just moved into Scorpio which can be a fiery and passionate warrior however can be a vengeful opponent. What is interesting is that there is an astrological study called Political Astrology and looks into the study of countries, governments and leaders which are affected by eclipses and this can be seen in history.
The Libra energy is focused at this Solar Eclipse time with Sun and Moon married together. This energy could unblock and allow energy to flow. The Solar Eclipse is a potent and directed force and is an opportunity to start a new fresh 19 years cycle in relationships with honesty, integrity, balance and harmony.
Peter Rule
Inspired Astrology.