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Writer's picturePeter Rule

Merry Christmas, Happy Solstice, Happy Yuletide!

Capricorn - Determined to climb - set your goals high.

Happy Solstice and welcome to Capricorn Season. A time of new beginnings, rebirth, transformation, getting rid of unwanted habits and a time of creativity.

At 8.48 am ADST - 22/12/2022, the Sun moved into Capricorn at 0 degree. The sign of the Sea Goat. In pre-christian history and still celebrated today it was known as Yule time in Celtic, Germanic and Norse cultures - the rebirth of the sun when the days start to get longer again and is Celebrated as the Winter Solstice. This Celebration is one of the oldest celebrations in the world and now is combined with Christmas Celebrations. In the Southern Hemisphere this is the Summer Solstice.

Capricorn season and the Solstice is known as one of the two gates of entry into a new season, the other Solstice and gate is Cancer. Cancer time is the entry into the world of matter into physical form - hence it represents mother and birth. Capricorn is the entry into the world of a spiritual orientated life. Capricorn is a distinct step forward in evolution, a time of initiation and where we can move onto a higher level of soul consciousness, living by deep intuitive guidance instead of material "rules".

Capricorn is the first of the three "service" signs - Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. In these signs a man leaves behind his little self and begins to move outward and serve humanity. These are the last three signs of the zodiac and hence the final quarter or three months of the Astrological year finishing on the 21st of March - the Autumn/Spring Equinox at 0 degree Aries. ( Jupiter just moved into Aries on the 20th December until May 2023. So great time to be expansive and bold and initiate some new goals be it travel, study, learning or business or something you have put on hold. Following The Solstice on the 23/12/2022 at 9.17 pm ADST we have the New Moon is in Capricorn at 1 degree 33 minutes. This time is amplifying the new beginnings, rebirth and transformation energy of this time as these astrological events all align with the world axis or one of the four cardinal points at 0 degree in either Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. These are a more potent points and amplify the energy of these initiatory energies.

Interestingly Capricorn is the way of the initiate climbing mountains, sometimes lonely, barren and sometimes suffering. He must learn to understand his humanity and others and learn to love them warts and all. He is understanding the experiences of matter and all its attachments and then moving beyond matter to serve humanity which can lead to spiritual oneness.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn - the planet of karma - teaching us earthly and practical experiences or the results of our actions. At Capricorn time we may quietly reflect what we have achieved over the past year, what we may of gained, lost and learned from our experience. This can bring a sense of achievement or also loss, particularly the physical and this can be a stern teacher in the practical experience which we can become trapped in this isolation of matter and then being able to return to our true home in the finer, unified realms of spirit.

Capricorn in its higher octave is soul consciousness, functioning in matter to help humanity. Hence we see the opportunity at Christmas time where goodwill is attempted, presents and good wishes are exchanged, and everyone feels just a little uplifted because it is Christmas. This is a time of expansiveness and expressions of love and sharing.

This time for many is a time of spiritual awareness of focusing on the universality of the message of the birth of the Christ - the anchoring of the awakened intuitive faculties into human form, bringing the possibility of humanity taking another step forward in "Godness" or Christ Consciousness.

Merry Christmas, Happy Solstice and Happy Yuletide everyone. Thank you for been a part of my journey in 2022 and I look forward to connecting with again in 2023.

love and blessings,

Peter Rule

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